Saturday, August 31, 2013

Three things that I would like to accomplish this year as a student at John Carroll is to work hard, be caring, and get good grades. I would like to work hard because working hard get you so many things one opportunity, when you work hard opportunities will come. some may be bad others can be great. another reason I want to work hard is for respect from my friends, my teachers, and my coaches. I will also work hard to get good grades so that I will receive all of those things I have just listed. I want to be more caring this year then I have been in the past couple. I want to be caring to more people and just try to help out when I can. Good grades come from hard work and being caring at the same time because if you're caring you will be in a better mood all around, when you work hard in class and at home you will succeed and achieve your goals.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

8-28-13 what we did in class today

we talked about what we needed for the school year. we went over how to correctly blog things. Mr. Schick told us what the grades were for. Thank you Mr. Schick for everything today.!

Monday, August 26, 2013

My First Day

My first day at The John Carroll School was a lot of fun. I understand how the bell schedule works better now then I did on Friday morning. I met a lot of new people and saw friends that I have made either over the summer or a long time ago. I liked all of the teachers that I have met today. My favorite part of the day was when Mr. Kerry O'neil spoke to all of us in the auditorium about commitments and being true to yourself and God. The substitute Ms. Snook was very nice and easy to work with. My first day of high school came so fast that I didn't even expect it. The summer went bye like a blink of an eye. I was very excited to start today, all that I thought of John Carroll was true. John Carroll is fun, caring, and open to pretty much everyone. Everybody was very nice to me today I don't think I could ask of anything more.
                                                                   Thank You,
                                                                                       Dylan Kidd