Tuesday, December 3, 2013

1. What is Microfinance?
     Microfinance is a form of financial services for small businesses lacking access to banking related services.
2.  How does Microfinance help?
     Microfinance helps people in developing countries survive and provide for their families. They get small businesses started.
3. What are some of the problems in other countries?
     Disease, Famine, Drought, Lack of supplies, poor health care, poverty, pollution, electricity is weak.
4.  What are microloans?
      Microloans is when a person lends a small amount of money to a developing business.
5.  Who gets Microloans?
      Small businesses get microloans to help them get started and on their feet.
6. What are some common uses for Microloans?
     Starting a new business, getting supplies for your business, getting a little kick start on your business, Equipment, etc..
7. What are some ways Microloans help?
    Can provide help for starting businesses.
8.  How can a Microloan help?
     The business can have a positive affect on the community around them.
9. What is the main disease in developing countries?
10. What is the picture of on Nick's Slide?
      A picture of a few guys playing pool.

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