Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Today in class we presented our power points, and Rosaschi and I presented our slide on Buddhism. Mr. Schick liked all of our presentation but the picture of the fake fat Buddha on the cover title. Scott Claire, and Hanna did well to. They did christianity, and had a lot of interesting facts. Today's class was a lot of fun.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Today in class we were missing two people. Nat & Sarah were not there, lucky for them because they were partners on the presentations. We went over the quiz that we took last week, I did ok on it I got a 75. Scott tried to leave at 2:10 but Mr. Schick wouldn't let him. Scott had to answer like 6 more questions until he finally got to leave. Jordan, Charllette, and Laura got to present their report on Hinduism. After they were finished John, Alyssa, and Angela got a shot at it. even though they only got halfway through their presentation looked very nice.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Today in class every body was more awake than they were last Monday. We worked on our prodjects all class and me and Rosaschi didn't finish so we had to work on it tonight. We got the topic religion of Buddhism. there are many interesting facts about it.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Today in class we did an awesome review. I am very glad that we did a review because if we didn't I would have failed. we took the quiz I passed with a 75. I was going to take Mr. Schick's advise and not do my blog, but I need the points.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Today in class we talked about marijuana and how it is dealt with in different states. When you smoke pot in Boston in the open public, you get a fine for 10 dollars, but if you smoke pot in the open public in Texas you get arrested. we talked about the video that we watched yesterday, and I was asked to take a survey and the questions were weird. they asked which economic view that my parents have, and asked what economic view I had. Basiclly today was a big debate.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

today in class we took notes and we talked about them cultural differences, economic differences. then we watched a video about how usa isnt the best country in the world anymore.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Friday in class, we took a voluntary test and i had no idea what any of the questions were so i just guessed. we had a sub, coach Lawler he was really cool.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Today in class we went over the quiz that we took, some of us did well some didn't. I did ok on the test, I should have done better. After we the quiz we were talking about ethnic culture, and the immigrant rate in the U.S. I found that in 2010 there were 11.5 million illegal Immigrants living in the country.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Today in class we went over the quiz and we all did pretty well I think. Nat raised our grade average as a class to an 81. WOOP-WOOP.! We went over the population of ft. barge in North Carolina, and in Ann Arbor Michigan.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

today in class we took a quiz about the movie we finished watching. after the quiz Angela gave us doughnuts, AMAZING I might add. then we started to talk about the different population pyramids. we learned about the xmass tree, the box, and the cup.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

today in class we watched the movie for the second day. I really like this movie and how real it is. I like all the characters because they are always smiling unless they are talking about sudan. the movie is great because it follows their everyday lives.